
Tuesday tamed clutch

We met on a Tuesday.

You were nervous blush but bright.

I for myself exhaled expertise

In a rush I touched and clutched.

With the approach of a tease

I drove your hand and clutch we fixed.

With that we were bent

And indoors prisoners upon we went.

Both felling gloomy and lame

We naked conventions, pride, literary fame!

Suddenly we remembered

We were not ordinary pieces

Made from paper or tissues.

Through dinner and cream fish

We climbed high and had a full dish

And with a final a glowing spark

we slimmed again alone to the dark.

Taken with the Time

God gave us to spend

Together we embraced

Music Literature and lime.

And drinks those we sipped.

Though our lips they never reached.

As to the wildest of desires, that -

We did tame...

Oh, and did any mortal,

Any mortal

For that matter - ever submitted

Ever tamed!

These senseless words I wrote, in a cold winter night, in a gray framework of mind, having for companion but a crisp wind and a bittersweet memory; a remembrance of you, you most graceful being I’ve met, my very true - Mrs Ana Blue.